Flexible Data Protection Support Desk Services Provided by Trusted Compliance Experts

Our helpdesk team are on standby to provide a business hours data protection support desk for any data protection related enquiries and guidance your business needs. We provide time bundles that can be used at your leisure to deliver a range of data protection related casework. We will log delivery time and feedback monthly to remain transparent about usage and delivery expectations. Schedule a free consultation today!

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Data Protection Support Desk

Compliance Direct Solutions provides a business hours Data Protection Support Desk for any data protection or information security-related support and guidance, this includes any queries in relation to GDPR and DPA 2018, and ISO 27001. Any queries, questions, or complaints you receive can be resolved by our senior team of practitioners who will address any areas of interest and come back to you with follow-up actions and a resolution.

Some key areas covered by our Data Protection support desk include:

Our Data Protection Support Desk

Our Support Desk provides a business hours service to assist with any data protection related support and guidance.

Subject Matter Experts
OnSite, Remote & Out of hours help
Our Pledge

Our senior team of practitioners will resolve any query and come back to you with follow up actions and a resolution.

Why Outsource my Data Protection Support Desk?

Why engage an Outsourced Data Protection Support Desk function, when I can carry out the Gap Analysis/Compliance Audit myself. Great Question

Remote and On Site Support

Business Hours Support

Qualified and Experienced Consultants

Efficient & Economical

why should I pick CDS?

Why do I need a Data Protection Support Desk?

Arms Length Support

You are confident in the day to day, but need expert resource for the more complex queries

Additional Resource

Compliance strategy managed by you, but tasks delegated to and completed by CDS.

Fully Outsourced Team

Appoint CDS as your Data Protection team, let us manage and implement your Data Protection strategy

What are the benefits of having a Data Protection Support Desk?